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Radiotherapy treatment for brain tumor and brain metastasis

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New technology and advances in the methods for the treatment of brain tumors and brain metastases provided to medical oncology professionals like us with greater effectiveness in the fight against some of these types of cancer and the benefits such as better health and well-being during and after the treatment to the patients. IMOR Institute has the latest technology and a group of professionals in continuous training to offer the best oncology services and the newest treatments.

General treatments to be established after diagnosis

Generally speaking of brain tumors, different treatments can be used depending on the size or extension, the type of tumor or cancer in question, tumor growth rate, the affected location or part of the brain, as well as other factors related to the characteristics and health status of the patient. A magnetic resonance imaging and various tests will determine which treatment options can and should be applied. Sometimes, chemotherapy and radiosurgery must be combined with different treatments of radiotherapy and brachytherapy.

radiotherapy for brain tumor

Here we will focus on intensity-modulated radiotherapy (or IMRT, which is its acronym that summarizes its name in English). It is an advanced method of high-precision radiotherapy that delivers localized radiation doses very accurately on a malignant tumor or a specific area of the tumor during the sessions that last a few minutes. This system allows preventing great damages to healthy cells. This is crucial, especially in patients with brain tumors.

In addition, our therapies reduce the side effects that have been observed with other treatments to date, especially the more serious ones. The dose of radiation can affect the scalp leading to some redness, burning or swelling.

Treatment of brain metastases

Brain metastases may be due to lung cancer, breast cancer, sarcomas, melanomas, or brain tumors. There are other rare ones that can get to spread to the brain. In some cases, they are located in the cerebral hemispheres (in most cases), while others can be brain metastases located in the cerebellum or brainstem.

Some of the symptoms include recurrent and gradually worsening headache, tingling or loss of sensation in the legs or arms, seizures, nausea or vomiting, difficulties in walking posture, alternations of speech, some vision problems such as loss of vision, poor visual acuity or double vision, fatigue or tiredness, feeling of increased intracranial pressure. In addition, at a psychiatric level, mood and behavior changes or, in the worst case, the appearance of some personality disorder may also be observed.

The relationship between cerebral radiotherapy and brain metastasis in the most serious situations that are not curable is mainly focused on alleviating the damage, improving the health of the patient, prolonging their survival time and following their daily routine for the longest time possible. In other words, it aims that the tumor does not spread and does not block organs crucial for the patient to have a normal life and a certain quality of life.

For these cases, stereotactic radiosurgery can be applied.

Anyway, in the case of any sign or symptom of a brain tumor, we invite you to be visited by a doctor specialized in oncology and brain tumors. The IMOR Institute can help you. Do you need medical attention for a diagnosis or an urgent magnetic resonance? Contact us to undergo some clinical examinations or just to have more information about our treatments. For any question, contact IMOR Institute now.