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Charter of Rights and Duties of Patients

Home  /  Charter of Rights and Duties of Patients

Citizens' rights in relation to the health system

  • The citizen has the right to be truthfully informed, in understandable terms in relation to his own health, in order to be able to make a truly autonomous decision. This right includes respect for the decision not to be informed.
  • In situations of vital risk or inability to make decisions about their health, the necessary mechanisms will be arbitrated for each circumstance that best protect the rights of each citizen.
  • The citizen has the right to maintain their privacy and to guarantee the confidentiality of their health data, in accordance with the provisions of current legislation.
  • The citizen, as a patient, has the right to know the identity of his doctor or doctor, who will be responsible for providing all the necessary information he requires, in order to choose and, where appropriate, give his consent to the performance of the diagnostic, therapeutic, prophylactic and other procedures that his state of health requires.
  • The citizen, as a patient, has the right to know if the procedure, diagnosis or therapeutic that is dispensed will be used in a teaching project or in a clinical research, in order to be able to grant their consent.
  • The patient, by his own decision, may require that the information be provided to his relatives, relatives or others and that they are the ones who grant consent by substitution.
  • The right to information about one’s own health includes access to information written in the medical record, results of complementary tests, discharge reports, medical certificates, and any other clinical document that contains own health data.
  • The citizen has the right to be informed of the risks to his health in understandable and certain terms, in order to take the necessary measures and collaborate with the health authorities in the control of said risks.
  • Citizens have the right to free choice of doctor and health center, as well as a second opinion, in the terms that are determined by regulation.
  • The citizen has the right to have health benefits dispensed within previously defined and known deadlines, which will be established by regulation.
  • The citizen has the right to non-discrimination on any grounds of sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, religion or social or economic conditionality.

Duties of citizens with regard to the use of the health system

  • The patient will deliver all the information of his state of health to the organization
  • The patient will cooperate during the examinations and procedures that are performed.
  • The patient and his family will respect the policies of the organization regarding the Anti-Smoking Law, the prevention of infections and their control and environmental care.
  • The patient will comply with instructions for self-care, prescribed medication and attend scheduled follow-up appointments.
  • Comply with the general health requirements common to the entire population, as well as the specific ones determined by the health services.
  • Use the facilities properly so that they are maintained at all times in habitable conditions.
  • Comply with the rules and procedures of use and access to the rights granted through Law 41/2002, November 14, Basic Law regulating Patient Autonomy and Rights and Obligations in terms of information and clinical documentation.
  • Maintain due respect for the rules established in the center, as well as the staff that provides services in them.
  • Sign the consent, authorization, legal and EU documents 2016/679, as well as in case of refusal to the treatment and sanitary actions the document of rejection of the suggested document

The Management.